Created, Written and Performed by Lily Hayman, Created, Designed and Operated by Thomas Doyle, Outside Eye Kate Gaul and Natalie Rose. Supported by SHOPFRONT.

A conversation between a woman and an AI construction of herself. After a deep fake porn video using her name and face goes viral she struggles to figure out where she ends and her online profile begins.

Recording of live performance on 21/05/22 at The Flying Nun, Darlinghurst.


LILY HAYMAN and THOMAS DOYLE are an emerging theatre duo with a strong interest in the role technology plays in the stories of their generation. Coming from a design and performance background respectively, their work aims to integrate new and synthetic media into live performance as seamlessly as they have been integrated into our own everyday realities. Their work has a strong aesthetic focus - using design as a core element of the development process to create daring, multi-modal contemporary performance.


This performance is now available for on-demand streaming. Purchase an "On-Demand Broadcast Link" (below) and you will be emailed information on how to access your private viewing of THE INFINITY MIRROR. Invite your friends over for a viewing party and enjoy the show from the comfort of your couch.

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