6-player interactive whodunnit online murder mystery game

'Murder at the Hotel Delicious' is a 6-player interactive whodunnit game.
Over 2 hours, you and your friends must communicate to exchange clues, deduce motives, and identify which one of you was the murderer! It's a cross between an escape room and a murder mystery party, and all done electronically, so you won't have to leave the couch. You receive a digital pack with your characters, objectives, clues, and everything you'll need for the game, but as the players, it is your responsibility to prioritise which leads to investigate, which quirky or sinister character with which to communicate, what costume and character flare you might want to include, and most importantly; it is up to you to catch the crook before the clock strikes.

Writer - Alex Giles
Producer - Kaleigh Wilkie-Smith
Art Director - Kenney Ogilvie

Stay At Home Mysteries - Alex, Kaleigh & Kenney are three friends who are passionate not only about solving mysteries but about the audience's experience. We are thrilled to be developing groundbreaking games such as 'Murder at the Hotel Delicious' where we invite players to become a part of the narrative.

We want to devise playgrounds for adults.
We want to create worlds where immersive theatre meets board games.
We want to generate engaging, entertaining ad memorable experiences.
And we want to bring people together who can't be. 


Some of our other work can be found here:

Once you have purchased this online game you will receive an email that includes the following:
• Player Info Pack
• Host Info Pack