Last year, our community generously rallied around Brand X to turn the lights back on after lockdown. 

With your support, we reopened our rehearsal and performance venues on 1 July 2020 under Covid safe guidelines. Since then:

44 artists returned to their rent-subsidised studios

21 new performances were created through Flying Nun and Petite Suite 

25 artworks were commissioned through ProtoShop 

6 live performances were broadcast on our new streaming platform 

95 artists were employed

8 shows went on to main stage season around Australia

$90,000 cash was invested back into the pockets of working artists to sustain their practice 

1,251 audience members were entertained (albeit 2 square metres apart) 


This EOFY, DONATE NOW to help Brand X continue our essential work of supporting artists to experiment, innovate and create.

As a registered charity, all donations over $2 are tax-deductible. 

Watch your donation grow and have a direct impact on the cultural life of Sydney. 

Donate Now



“Brand X is an important arts organisation in recognising queer and POC creatives, providing them a space to safely try new culturally-nuanced approaches to work that often do not fit on our main stages in Sydney.”

Vonne Patiag
Playwright and Filmmaker

“The Flying Nun boosted our dynamism as a company, sharpened our artistic goals and fortified our collaborative practice. It is one of the best things we have ever done.”

Lenny Ann Low, Cheryle Moore, Stephanie Hart

“Brand X programs provide a safe space for risk taking which mainstream companies are unable to offer. The Flying Nun is the most important breeding ground for experimental theatre in Sydney.”

Lucas Jervies
Performer and Choreographer



“Without the support of Brand X I would never have received this opportunity which has propelled my career forward. Their programmes are unique and allow artists to develop and push themselves and their audiences.”

Eugene Lynch


“Brand X has, since its inception, been a place where I have successfully presented daring risky work with critical acclaim and wonderful audience feedback. With further support I know they will be able to develop and enrich the careers of many more artists.”

Harriet Gillies
Performance Artist


“Brand X have created a safe, inclusive, powerful and potent programme to allow artists to make art. The Sydney scene is dangerously fragile. Brand X is a major provider of new creative work.”

Drew Fairley
Writer and Performer


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